India: Rajarampuri, Shahupuri noisiest roads in Kolhapur
Rajarampuri, Shahupuri noisiest roads in Kolhapur – The Times of India

Rajarampuri, Shahupuri noisiest roads in Kolhapur
Rajarampuri, Shahupuri noisiest roads in Kolhapur – The Times of India
KOLHAPUR: The city’s commercial areas Rajarampuri, Shahupuri and the Mahadwar road were the noisiest on Thursday as Ganesh Chaturthi was celebrated with sound levels exceeding 100 decibels.
Students from the department of environmental sciences of the Shivaji University, Kolhapur, monitored the sound levels in the city as the first day of the festival was celebrated.
Readings indicated that sound from almost areas crossed the permissible sound limits laid down by the Maharashtra pollution control board (MPCB). Sound levels should not exceed 55 decibels in residential areas.
Noise levels in areas of the city like Udyam nagar, Rajarampuri, Shahupuri, Laxmipuri and Mahadwar road, showed consistent readings of 90 decibels and above, even at night.
P D Raut, the head of the department of environmental sciences, told TOI, “The digital sound systems are mainly responsible for these readings. Data shows that sound levels were almost double the permissible limits. Rajarampuri area was the noisiest recording 107 dB, while Shahpuri followed with a reading if 106 dB.”
Two students actively participated in monitoring the sound levels using a noise level meter. Raut said that four ten-minute readings were taken over 60 minutes in a particular area and calculated accordingly.
Thursday’s readings show that very few Ganesh mandals have responded to the Kolhapur police’s appeal for not using high decibel sound system. Source: