Bedrock Audio

Bedrock Audio Asia

Very powerful and high-quality and high-end sound measuring equipment and analyzers for use in professional audio.

They are designed to be very easy to use yet comply with the highest professional and scientific standards. Bedrock instruments are from the highest quality, designed, engineered and built in the Netherlands!

Bedrock logo signature


Bedrock Audio AM100 class 1 instrument

Bedrock Audio SM50 STIPA meter

Bedrock Audio SM90 Class 1 instrument

Bedrock Audio BTB65 Talkbox

Talkbox BTB115

Bedrock Audio BTB115 Advanced Talkbox


SM50 Bedrock Audio STIPA meter

Bedrock Audio BTB65 Talkbox

Bedrock Audio SM90

Sound level meter bedrock AM100 CLASS 1







Bedrock AM100 Sound Level Meter

Geonoise, your partner for Bedrock Sound Analyzers in Middle East, South Africa and Asia.
