Material testing equipment for acoustics, sound

Acoustic properties material testing equipment

The Nor1517A system measures the airflow resistance in porous materials according to ISO 9053/DIN EN 29053 (DIN52213).

Airflow Resistance Measurement System Nor1517A 

Impedance Tube bswa

The Impedance Tubes (aka Kundt’s tube) can accurately measure sound absorption coefficients as well as transmission loss.

Impedance tube measurements comply with both ISO and ASTM standards. They also support the sound
transmission loss measurements based on the Transfer Function Method. The Transfer Function Method separates the incident and reflected energy from the measured transfer
function, and then estimates the acoustic properties of the tested sample installed in the

A fully ISO362-1998 ( ISO 362-1:20071) compliant system to measure pass-by noise from vehicles.


The most used system for pass-by noise is outdoors that are both used for R&D as well as certification. Pass-by noise testing includes acceleration, constant speed and static tests for passenger cars, trucks etc.

MicroVec Mini PIV SystemMini PIV System

The most economical and simple PIV solution

Experimental flow diagnostics often demand huge investment budgets which many research organizations or individuals with limited budgets find challenging. It makes access to knowledge in basic educational research restricted and also limits the creation of new knowledgeable in advanced research. Especially, research and educational institutes that can easily secure smaller departmental funding may not stand a chance to do research using PIV.
