Noise Monitoring System Norsonic

In a noise measurement system with multiple terminals, the noise data are streamed to a cloud based server. The data are being analysed and from the server, your results can be presented in web browser. Do you wish to give people access to the measurement results it can be local authorities or acoustic consultants, time profile graphs can be made accessible for anyone through the cloud service.

Norsonic offers a wide range of solutions for Environmental Noise Monitoring. From stand-alone Noise Monitoring Terminals (NMT) with local or remote access. To large scaled hosted systems with several NMTs, fully automated which deliver daily reports with noise data and meteorological data to the customer.

For those responsible of noise polluting activities, it is often of high interest to get an immediate warning when sound levels are too high. For example will the sound technician on an outdoor concert be able to reduce the volume directly if he gets a warning from a noise monitoring terminal that noise level at neighbours’ premises exceeds the local limitations. Such a warning can be sent as email or SMS with information about location, duration and of course the measured sound level.

In order to securely identify what actually caused the noise, advanced systems have triggers that can start recording of audio, video or both. These can then be streamed remotely near to real time for immediate identification of the source, or they can be replayed later during post-processing of the data. Video recording can be very efficient to later prove what caused the noise, be it a person, a vehicle or other.

Cables are connected to the case via a unique weatherproof cable sleeve. This is a flexible solution making waterproof connectors redundant. A solution without external connectors is superior to avoid bad or intermittent connections.

There are a number of national and international standards that recommend how noise from different sources shall be characterized through measurements. Traffic noise, railway noise, airport noise and wind power plants all have their own standards (see examples in the table below). The standards usually describe in detail how the measurements shall be carried out and under what meteorological conditions.

International standards for measuring environmental noise

ISO 1996 – Description, Measurement and Assessment of Environmental Noise

ISO 3891– Procedure for describing aircraft noise heard on the ground

ISO/DIS 20906 – Acoustics – Unattended monitoring of aircraft sound in the vicinity of airports (standard in preparation)

ISO 3095 – Railway applications –Acoustics – Measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicles

IEC 61400-11 Amendment 1 – Wind turbine generator systems – Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques

Geonoise Noise registration instruments and software

Geonoise Thailand Co., Ltd.
Address: 6/54-56 Poemsin

10220 Sai Mai, Bangkok, Thailand
Phone: (+66) 02-1214399
