Shaker control software, mixed mode testing

Shaker control software, mixed mode testing

Mixed Mode Testing

The Mixed Mode add-on modules for the Random Vibration Control Software allow tests to run with sine tones and/or narrowband random signals superimposed on a random background. Mixed mode testing is a complex control task, and m+p VibControl supports three modes: Sine-on-Random (SoR), Random-on-Random (RoR) and Sine-on-Random-on-Random (SoRoR). Gunfire burst control can also be superimposed in each case.

Shaker control software Applications

  • Tracked and wheeled vehicle vibration (helicopter, turbo jet aircraft, automotive power train), trains, agriculture vehicles
  • Machine gunfire simulation
shaker control software m+p geonoise

Shaker control software Key Features

Mixed Mode Testing: Sine-on-Random (SoR), Random-on-Random (RoR), Sine-on-Random-on-Random (SoRoR)

  • Sine-on-Random (SoR), Random-on-Random (RoR), Sine-on-Random-on-Random (SoRoR) control are fully compliant with DIN, MIL-STD 810 and other standards
  • Support on electrodynamic and hydraulic shakers
  • Up to 10 independently sweeping sine tones and/or 25 narrowband random signals overlaid onto a random background
  • Each sine tone/narrowband with its own profile and limits
  • Time offset and automatic timed toggle on/off for each individual sine tone/narrowband
  • Gunfire burst simulation
  • Overlapping of the sine tones/narrowbands
  • Accurate control thanks to independent sine tone generators and digital tracking filters