Noise legislation and Noise limits in Indonesia

There are a few regulations related to noise in Indonesia. These regulations are written on different levels and regulate different fields. Some of them are:

  • Noise level limits

KEP-48/MENLH/11/1996 (Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Environment No.48, the year 1996 concerning noise limits).

This decree regulates the noise level limits in the different types of an area as well as the measurement and calculation method to determine the day-night noise level. This decree requires businesses and activities to report noise levels every three months to the governor, ministry, or other institution which is responsible for environmental impact control. The noise limits are as follows:


Area:Noise level (dBA):
Residential area55
Trade and Services70
Green open spaces50
Industrial area70
Government offices and public places60
Recreational area70
Airport, train station, and harbour70
Cultural sites60
Hospitals and other health services55
School and other educational services55
House of worship55


  • Noise regulations for vehicles

Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Environment No.07 year 2009 concerning noise limits for a new motored vehicle.

According to Indonesian regulation, noise is required to be measured for every vehicle on the road to be granted permits.

The ministerial decree’s scope is the noise limits, testing method, and reporting method for new motored vehicles.


  • Occupational noise and vibration limits

Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Labor No.5 year 2018 concerning health and safety in the working environment.

This decree regulates the noise and vibration limit for workers. Those limits are:

Exposure time per dayNoise level in dBA
4 88
2 91
1 94
15 100
7.5 103
3.75 106
1.88 109
0.94 112
14.06 118
7.03 121
3.52 124
1.76 127
0.88 130
0.44 133
0.22 136
0.11 139


Hand-arm vibration limit

Exposure time per dayAcceleration resultant in x-axis, y-axis and z-axis
6-8 hours5
4-6 hours6
2-4 hours7
1-2 hours10
0.5-1 hour14
Below 0.5 hour20


Whole body vibration limit

Exposure time per dayLimit


  • Noise in buildings
    • Laws of Republic of Indonesia No.28 year 2002 concerning building
    • Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No.36 year 2005.

This law and regulation state that noise must be considered in designing a building. In the explanation part of the regulation, it is stated that noise control should be started as early as the technical design phase, both through building design and land use planning. Noise control measures must be added for construction of tollways in a residential area or city centre.
